HomeMade Septic Tank Treatment (Natural Septic Tank Treatment)

HomeMade Septic Tank Treatment

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If you had a septic tank and now it’s time for its cleaning, we’re here with natural remedies that will help you treat and activate the function of the septic tank.

Why natural remedies?

As you know, septic tanks are eco-friendly and run on the principle of nature, so their treatment does require natural methods. By treating the septic tank, you activate it to last longer.

Remember septic tanks need treatment once in 3 years for proper functioning.

Over time the bacteria get low in number. That’s the time you have to naturally increase their number, for the filtration process of wastewater.

We have brought a list of natural remedies to treat the septic tank. Let’s get started.

The US EPA Environmental Protection Agency states that;

The septic tank system is a combination of technology with nature.

The agency encourages people to install their septic systems. By opting for a septic tank, you keep the natural cycle of the environment healthy.

Signs of an Unhealthy Septic Tank

If you experience these signs,  you need to treat the septic tank for better functioning.

Some key signs of an unhealthy septic tank include:

  • Unpleasant foul odor 
  • Rotten eggs smell
  • Dark green grass around absorption area
  • steady drainage process
  • No maintenance for the past 12 months
  • Presence of clogs

Natural Septic Tank Treatments

The most common homemade remedies for septic treatments include

  1. Treating Septic Tank with Yeast (Septic Tank Activator)

Every household contains yeast. It is one of the well-liked natural remedies for treating the septic tank. The human stomach contains good bacteria, septic tanks also need good bacteria and enzymes.

Septic Tank

They function the same like to break down the solid matter that passes through it. The beneficial bacteria and enzymes’ best source is yeast. 

Yeast is an excellent product that adds flourished bacteria and maintains healthy bacterial levels in septic tanks.


  • Yeast is cheap and effective as compared to store-bought treatments
  • The market brought products will offer a specific kind of bacteria like enzymes that only break down fats, oils, and grease while Others break down cellulose. So to gain all sorts of bacteria, yeast is helpful. 
  • Yeast fills the containers with a variety of live bacterial colonies.
  • The other benefit of yeast is that it divides at an elevated speed. Sooner you will find your tank a home of live bacteria ready to break down all your wastes.


  • Water 
  • Sugar
  • Cornmeal
  • Yeast 


  1. Take ½ gallon of water and heat it to 100 degrees. 
  2. To boil water, add two cups of sugar.
  3. Mix it, and then allow it to cool down. It should be warm upon touch.
  4. Some bacteria consider 95 degrees as their favourable temperature.
  5. The proofing active dry yeast works best in 105 and 110 degrees
  6. After that, add two cups of cornmeal.
  7. Take four packages of dry yeast and add them to the mixture of water, sugar, and cornmeal.
  8. Allow yeast for several minutes to get dissolved.
  9. Once the mixture is ready, flush it through the toilet.
  10. The mixture will reach the tank, and millions of live bacterial colonies will start to flourish over time.


  • To achieve better results,  pour the mixture before going to the office or bed.
  • After adding the mixture, avoid flushing more water into the septic tank for the next several hours.
  • Avoid doing laundry, showers, and toilet use.

Some people prefer just adding 1/2 cup of yeast directly in the toilet and then flushing! That’s quite a handy method.

Cornmeal and sugar provide more powerful bacterial colonies than yeast alone can.

  1.  Alternative Method
  • Take two cups of brown sugar.
  • Add it to five cups of warm water.
  • Mix it properly.
  • Then add three tablespoons of brewer’s yeast.
  • Avoid using any bleach. 
  • After that, dissolve sugar and brewer’s yeast in water.
  • Now take the mixture and Pour the mixture into the toilet, and flush!
  • Do this at night so that the yeast will work overnight to flourish live bacteria.
  • Avoid flushing for at least 3 hours.
  • Maintenance of bacterial colonies
  • Once the yeast activates, it will flourish the bacterial colonies.

Maintenance of Bacteria in the Septic Tank 

  • If you want to maintain the same level of bacteria, add 1/2 cup of active yeast into the toilet and repeat it with 1/4 cup yeast after every four months.
  • That will maintain the number of bacteria for the proper functioning of septic tanks.
  1. Treating Septic Tank with Wet Yeast Cube 


  • Two Cups of powdered brown sugar  
  • Use Activated yeast for achieving better septic treatment
  • Ten cups of lukewarm water
  • Wet yeast cube


  1. Take a cube of wet yeast and dissolve it in a cup of water.
  2. Break the cube with a fork or a potato masher.
  3. Repeat it till the cube of wet yeast dissolves completely. 
  4. Now take brown sugar and cornmeal.
  5. Add the sugar to the lukewarm water.
  6. Mix it properly.
  7. Take the mixture and place it in a warm area.
  8. Let the mixture stand for half an hour.
  9. Observe a thick frothy layer. It is because of fermentation in the yeast.
  10. Pour down the mixture into the toilet and flush!
  11. The fermented yeast will reach the tank to do its job.
  12. You need to repeat the procedure every six months if you’re experiencing foul odor or blockages.
  1. Treating Septic Tank with Spoiled Buttermilk 

If the milk gets spoiled at your home, don’t worry! You can use it as a septic tank activator. 

Septic Tank Treatment

You can use this method instead of pure yeast. It is one of the best ways to provide healthy bacteria to your septic tank. Spoiled milk contains yeast, required to break down the waste in the tank.


  1. Take the spoiled buttermilk and pour it into your toilet.
  2. Flush it!
  3. Once the activator reaches the tank, it flourishes the bacterial growth
  4. That is one of the most beneficial methods to provide the tank with effective bacteria for cleaning residential areas.
  1. Treating Septic Tanks with Rotten Tomatoes 

After yeast, the homemade remedy that’s best for treating septic tanks includes the use of rotten tomatoes.

  1. Don’t use fresh tomatoes as they might cost you a lot.
  2. Some people don’t recommend this method. If there is no other option, you can use rotten tomatoes to maintain the balance in your tank.
  3. You can either dispose of it with garbage or chop and blend them and flush it.
  4. As you know, rotten tomatoes are of no use for eating. 
  5. Adding rotten tomatoes to a septic tank will clean the environment and your septic tank.

Duration- Add a few rotten tomatoes every two months.

Manual adjustments of PH

  • You can manually adjust the ph. by comparing the ph. of both home and septic tank water systems.
  • Once the PH difference is known, use acidic or basic products to adjust the PH properly.
  • The reason to maintain the ph. is;
  • Bacteria works in a predefined ph. If that PH is disturbed, the bacteria start to die, leaving behind the tank with a dead pool of bacteria.
  • So to ensure the proper function of the septic tank, add homemade remedies to maintain the growth and conditions for the bacteria.

6. Treating the Tank with Baking Soda 

If you want to clean the dirt accumulated in the septic tank, you can try this homemade remedy.

All you need is 

  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar
  • Lemon juice


  1. Take one-fourth cup of baking soda. Add half vinegar to the baking soda.
  2. Mix them properly.
  3. Pour the mixture into the toilet and flush!
  4. After that, take some lemon juice mostly, two spoons, and add it to the toilet.
  5. Flush it!
  6. The baking soda and vinegar break down any dirt in the tank,  the lemon juice provides a helping hand and a pleasant fragrance to the septic tank.
  7. This method not only cleans the tank. 
  8. It tidies up the system, the toilet, pipes, and the tank.
  9. It won’t harm the bacteria as we are using a homemade natural remedy.

Benefits of Using Natural Septic Tank Treatments

If you have decided to treat your septic tank, you should opt for homemade natural treatment. 

A question might arise!

Septic Tank Treatment natural

 Why use homemade products for treating septic tanks?

Well, go through these benefits enlisted below to know why it’s of prime importance and beneficial to use natural products. 

  • Prevent sewer line blockade
  • Neutralizing the action detergent bleach 
  • Accelerated breakdown of waste
  • The increased degradation process of waste
  • It reduces the pumping requirements of the septic tank. 
  • Improve drain field’s percolation capacity
  • Flourish a wide range of bacterial colonies
  • Maintain the bacterial colonies
  • Maintain the ph. Of the tank
  • Eco friendly
  • Budget-friendly 
  • Easy to use 
  • Easy to purchase 
  • No harm to the wildlife and plants
  • Keeps the tank clean
  • No hazardous chemicals and toxins generated
  • Function at optimum capacity


If you own a septic tank, it may require cleaning and activation over time.

The best way to reactivate is through natural homemade products. A well-liked method is; the use of yeast for providing a pool of flourished bacteria to the tank.

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