The Moen shower sleeve is stuck, can it be pulled or turned

The Moen shower sleeve is stuck, can it be pulled or turned

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If you have a built in Moen Shower sleeve that needs to be revived then this guide is for you. We explore whether you need to pull or turn the Moen shower sleeve.

If it is stuck then you need to know the reason first. Two of the most common reasons for this to happen is that one there could be corrosion on the inside, second you could have a bend.

Third thing which is not as common but still is possible is that the shower handle could have some form of salt or mineral deposited on the inside where it is jammed. 

Either way you can resolve the issue in no time. Here’s how.

Stuck moen shower sleeve: pull or turn  

Firstly, you do not turn on a faucet or a shower sleeve if it looks stuck to you. This is because there may be something wrong holding it together, trying to turn it forcefully will cause problems and not help you. You can simply pull it in your own direction and that should allow you to fix the problem.


In order to do this you should first pour some warm water on the sleeve so there is some expansion. Running hot water on top can allow it to loosen up.

You can do this with a glove on hand. A silicon glove will prevent you from heating your own hands and making the sleeve hot enough. You can use scalding water with a glove, without one you will have to think about it obviously. 

Next step is to pull it using your own body weight. The pull has to be towards you. If the knob is bent inwards then a pull will bring it back to its original position. Sometimes in slippery situations we turn the faucets off in the wrong way.

When the water or soap evaporates it can cause a stuck knob. You can try to simply lift the stuck material and then pull it.

However, if the pulling is not working then the issue may be different. You should not pull too hard because the attached pipes inside concealed will bend too as they are all connected to each other. If pulling with a lot of force does not work then you may need to unscrew it.

Unscrewing it

Unscrewing to see what’s wrong will work for you if the pulling has not. You will have to remove the screw under the handle,look for signs of water damage or corrosion. Just twist with the allen wrench and it will come out. 

Clean the set or replace it if it is not usable. Once you do that you can place it back and fasten its screw. The shower should work fine then.

Drilling the set

You can try drilling the set screw and create some vibration through the system, this will reveal any stuck joints where a leak may be taking place. Find and replace any part that is damaged. 

This is really a two step job but if you call a plumber they will want to get you an entire new replacement with a fixture. You can use soldering iron to do this yourself as well. Make sure that the entire set is dry. Then use a wire brush to remove any scaling or built up mineral deposits.

Replacing the set

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If you are worried that the damage is too much and it has rust or corrosion on the inside then it is more advisable to remove the fitting from wherever possible and screw on another mount shower sleeve. This will be a simple process you just need to order the same size and shape of the fitting, make sure it is compatible and then enjoy your shower like you used to.

If you are not sure what to do just repeat the unscrewing steps in back order with a new set. You will need to place the fittings on the original area, then screw them back together making sure there are no loose ends or improper fits. Fasten it back together and turn the knob or handle to see if it works. It should work fine and no more tugging or pulling will be required.

If your handle is stuck then you need to oil it occasionally. Sometimes the fittings are too arid and can cause friction when used occasionally. In this case you can add some oil to make it smooth and working from time to time. For this too you should remove the screen in front and then do this at the back.

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